Sunday, November 11, 2007
Hey Herm,
How's it going? So great to hear from you...we should so meet, you should send me some candy and flowers, I love to get these things. I have attached a picture of the scar on my knee per your request.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Love Cherry
This is so awesome, so I hop in my Geo Metro to head to a local Walgreens to pick up some candy and flowers for my love when my car won't start. So realizing it's way to cold for a bike ride, I call my pops to see about getting a jump. He wasn't happy. I think I ruined his day b/c the battery wouldn't take a charge and I couldn't decide if I should have it towed so we waited around all day trying to decide what to do. Around 10:30 PM I decided I should just get a battery, unfortunately most places were closed at that time, so he was pretty upset about having to waste another day on me tomorrow.
Overall I am pretty upset too b/c I didn't get the flowers for Cherry; does that make me a bad boyfriend?
If I get enough request, I will post the picture of the scar on her knee.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Hold the Presses
Cherry found my myspace page and had to email me. I will give you bits of the email she sent me.
Heya pumpkin!
Wow she called me pumpkin, this relationship is off to a great start - I love pumpkin pie; it's my favorite dessert.
I was browsing the site for single guys and my sixth sense made me stop at your ad page.
Once you go Herman you don't go back ladies.
I'm good-looking and in shape. I like doing many things, but prefer going to the movies, going to coffee shops or going shopping
This is great, I am only good at 3 things, none of which are the three things she is good at. Together we can do 6 things well.
I really adore shoes and purses! I'm hoping to find something casual and uncomplicated. I did the serious relationship thing a couple of times now.
I own one pair of shoes and one purse. Could she be the one?
I hope you'll be interested in contacting me! I have tons more to say� ask me about the little scar on my knee.
Eewww, I guess one imperfection is ok.
Well that was her letter to me, anyone care to help me with a letter back to her, I get so nervous when I write emails to girls.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
My Lucky Day
Wow! Poor spelling and grammar aside, what an opportunity. I think I should definitely respond to this one.Good day,
I sincerely write to seek your co-operation and trust in respect to abusiness opportunity in our Company.We are a corporation that deal onchemical fixing systems and export into America, Canada & Europe.We arepresently in search of Partners/Liaison Officers with Good workingexperience and Credible Character. Your duty will be to help us establisha medium ofgetting to our customers in America, Canada & Europe as well as receivingpayments on our behalf.It will be our utmost pleasure if you areinterested intransacting business with us. If you are interested,please get back to mewith your full personal information for consideration and final approvalby ourTeam Of Management:
Full Names:
Full Contact Address:
Zipcode/Poastal Code:
Phone Number:Occupation/Position:
Mr. Leonard Mark
Director Online Marketting.
Great Day,Wow. I accept, absolutely I accept.
Herman Poindexter
I will keep you posted if I get accepted.