Friday, August 31, 2007

Fear my Geo Metro

So I was cruising to the Taco Bell last night when I heard a loud clank and a sudden rise in the noise of my engine on my 1993 Geo Metro. It sure sounded like I was doing well over a hundred miles an hour, but I assure you I never went 35. Unfortunately, just before arriving to the Taco Bell, I got pulled over by a Cop. Apparently I violated a noise ordinance and this cop had enough of these cars with aftermarket exhaust. I assured him that my car was bone stock and with no aftermarket exhaust. He then proceeded to crawl under the car and asked me to join him there. When I crawled under the car he took his night stick and very adamantly pointed out where I should have an exhaust. I explained to him that I thought there might have been one there just a short while ago, but a loud clanking noise could have been my exhaust falling off. Apparently he had heard this before. Not only did I get a ticket for the noise violation, I got an additional ticket for littering since my exhaust is laying in the road somewhere and I did not try to retrieve it. I thanked the officer and told him to be careful, he asked me if I was a computer programmer, I told him no and gave him a pen. I then got another ticket for attempted bribery - he thought my friendly gesture was trying to get me out of a ticket. After this, I decided to keep my mouth shut and head on back home.

Overall it was a great experience and I am pretty lucky because I was able to get rid of a malfunctioning pen.

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