Friday, August 24, 2007

Work Treats Me So Well

My company just recently merged with a small mom and pop pen and pencil company locally - I am excited because we are going to add mechanical pencils to our lineup. Part of the new merger meant a new logo and new name. Since our id badges contained the old logo, we had to get new badges made. Today was the day I was scheduled to have my new badge picture made. I wanted my picture to look good. I wore my best shirt and suspenders, and I put a lot of extra hold gel in my hair. The lady told me where to stand, look straight ahead, and smile big. She counted down 3,2,1… and then she realized there was no film left. Apparently, the company had given the head count to the photographer one less than the true count - I don't think this was intentional. They told me I could just keep my old badge and they would give me a sticker with the new logo to place over the old logo.

That's ok, I’m pretty lucky I guess because I get to keep my old badge which I think has a better thinner picture of me.

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