Saturday, August 25, 2007

A Wonderful Wedding

What a day. My cousin finally got married. We have been looking for a perfect woman for him for some time now and we found her last week. They fell in love and got married today. I was lucky enough to be invited and finally found an excuse to wear my lavender tux. Anyway enough about me, here are some photos from the wedding.

I was so proud of Ernie. He knew right from the the first time he saw Bobbie that he would marry her. They seem happy together and the wedding was great, unfortunately by the time I got to front of the line for wedding cake it was all gone. Ernie was wearing most of it, so I need to find time to remind Bobbie that he can't eat the whole cake at once.

That's ok, I'm pretty lucky because I am watching my weight and didn't need any cake.

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