Wednesday, September 12, 2007

About Me - Part 2.5

I have gotten a couple of emails from people wanting to know more about the real Herman Poindexter, so I will do my best to answer your questions.

From Kindergarten to my senior year, I had a lot of fact I gave my lunch money to most - they were rather convincing in asking for it. We didn't hangout a ton outside of school, except for the one time I ended up playing bingo at a retirement home (long story). My child psychologist said I lacked confidence and that I wouldn't make it to far in the world until I found it...btw she says I am getting better with confidence by replacing it with denial. Unfortunately my biggest grade school acomplishment was finishing 3rd in a competition to get into the spelling bee. I misspelled the word failure.

My senior year I decided I was going to go to college and major in Political Science. Unfortunately I hate public speaking, I hate politics, and I can't debate. So after 3 years I decided I needed a change. I applied for a job as a manger over customer service at a small pen manufacturer locally. They liked my resume and hired me on as pen technician with promises of promotions to management. That was 6 years ago and I must say I am probably the best pen technician that company has ever had.

To the people who ask if I have an inhaler - yes I do - I am also allergic to many things; I will consider writing a post about them all later.

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